A message from our COO, Anita Wilden:
“It’s been an exciting few months at CC Nurseries Group working on our vision, values and curriculum. A working party of all levels of staff from England and Scotland, facilitated by Cheryl Bedding, award winning trainer and neurodiverse specialist, has come together to delve deeply into what we believe in, what we want our children to achieve, our pedagogical approach and our curriculum for your children.
“You will see that we are replacing paperwork with passion, freeing up our dedicated staff teams to enable them to spend more time playing and teaching rather than completing reams and reams of paperwork. We believe that your children deserve more dedicated time on playing, exploring, learning and interacting with their key person.
“Alongside the curriculum clubs, we’re implementing learning zones to support the prime and specific areas of learning for all children. Our key values of Respectful Relationships, Responsive Teaching and Learnning, Inspiring Environments and Equality & Equity are threaded throughout everyting that we do and ensure that we are delivering on our mission statement that Childhood Matters.”
As part of our new curriculum we’re offering daily curriculum clubs – which include adult-led sessions in art, science, nature, fitness and life skills.
Designed and led by the group’s qualified teams of practitioners, the clubs rotate on a five-week rolling plan, and have been created to support each stage and age of development while introducing the EYFS curriculum in new and interesting ways: to ensure all children attending the setting benefit from what’s on offer.
Activities range in length and style, and change weekly – and include everything from sensory elements and messy play, to physical activities designed to strengthen fine and gross motor skills, as well as activities which promote health and well-being, to name but a few.
To find out more about our curriculum and our new daily clubs, please email your Nursery Manager.